作者:歌德(J.W. von Goethe) 更新:2021-11-25 10:33
Alas ! I do my utmost. They are
clothed and fed ; and, still better , they are loved and educated.
Could you but see , sweet saint! the peace and harmony that dwells amongst
us, you would glorify God with the warmest feelings of gratitude , to
whom, in your last hour, you addressed such fervent prayers for our
happiness.'" Thus did she express herself ; but O Wilhelm! who can do
justice to her language ? how can cold and passionless words convey the
heavenly expressions of the spirit? Albert interrupted her gently. "This
affects you too deeply, my dear Charlotte. I know your soul dwells on
such recollections wlth intense delight ; but I implore—— " "O Albert!
" she continued , "I am sure you do not forget the evenings when we three
used to sit at the little round table , when papa was absent , and the
little ones had retired. You often had a good book with you , but seldom
read it ; the conversation of that noble being was preferable to everything,
—— that beautiful , bright , gentle , and yet ever-toiling woman.
God alone knows how I have supplicated with tears on my nightly couch ,
that I might be like her."
I threw myself at her feet, and, seizing her hand , bedewed it
with a thousand tears. "Charlotte !" I exclaimed , "God's blessing and
your mother's spirit are upon you." "Oh ! that you had known her ,"
she said, with a warm pressure of the hand. "She was worthy of being
known to you." I thought I should have fainted: never had I received
praise so flattering. She continued , "And yet she was doomed to die
in the flower of her youth, when her youngest child was scarcely six
months old. Her illness was but short , but she was calm and resigned
; and it was only for her children , especially the youngest, that
she felt unhappy. When her end drew nigh, she bade me bring them to her.
I obeyed. The younger ones knew nothing of their approaching loss , while
the elder ones were quite overcome with grief. They stood around the bed
; and she raised her feeble hands to heaven, and prayed over them ;
then, kissing them in turn , she dismissed them , and said to me ,
'Be you a mother to them.' I gave her my hand. 'You are promising much,
my child,' she said: 'a mother's fondness and a mother's care ! I have
often witnessed , by your tears of gratitude , that you know what is
a mother's tenderness : show it to your brothers and sisters , and be
dutiful and faithful to your father as a wife ; you will be his comfort.'
She inquired for him. He had retired to conceal his intolerable anguish,
—— he was heartbroken , "Albert, you were in the room. She heard some
one moving: she inquired who it was, and desired you to approach. She
surveyed us both with a look of composure and satisfaction, expressive
of her conviction that we should be happy ,—— happy with one another."
Albert fell upon her neck , and kissed her , and exclaimed, "We are
so, and we shall be so !" Even Albert , generally so tranquil, had
quite lost his composure; and I was excited beyond expression.
"And such a being ," She continued , "was to leave us , Werther!
Great God , must we thus part with everything we hold dear in this world?
Nobody felt this more acutely than the children : they cried and lamented
for a long time afterward , complaining that men had carried away their
dear mamma."
Charlotte rose. It aroused me ; but I continued sitting, and held
her hand. "Let us go," she said: "it grows late." She attempted to withdraw
her hand: I held it still. "We shall see each other again," I exclaimed
: "we shall recognise each other under every possible change !
clothed and fed ; and, still better , they are loved and educated.
Could you but see , sweet saint! the peace and harmony that dwells amongst
us, you would glorify God with the warmest feelings of gratitude , to
whom, in your last hour, you addressed such fervent prayers for our
happiness.'" Thus did she express herself ; but O Wilhelm! who can do
justice to her language ? how can cold and passionless words convey the
heavenly expressions of the spirit? Albert interrupted her gently. "This
affects you too deeply, my dear Charlotte. I know your soul dwells on
such recollections wlth intense delight ; but I implore—— " "O Albert!
" she continued , "I am sure you do not forget the evenings when we three
used to sit at the little round table , when papa was absent , and the
little ones had retired. You often had a good book with you , but seldom
read it ; the conversation of that noble being was preferable to everything,
—— that beautiful , bright , gentle , and yet ever-toiling woman.
God alone knows how I have supplicated with tears on my nightly couch ,
that I might be like her."
I threw myself at her feet, and, seizing her hand , bedewed it
with a thousand tears. "Charlotte !" I exclaimed , "God's blessing and
your mother's spirit are upon you." "Oh ! that you had known her ,"
she said, with a warm pressure of the hand. "She was worthy of being
known to you." I thought I should have fainted: never had I received
praise so flattering. She continued , "And yet she was doomed to die
in the flower of her youth, when her youngest child was scarcely six
months old. Her illness was but short , but she was calm and resigned
; and it was only for her children , especially the youngest, that
she felt unhappy. When her end drew nigh, she bade me bring them to her.
I obeyed. The younger ones knew nothing of their approaching loss , while
the elder ones were quite overcome with grief. They stood around the bed
; and she raised her feeble hands to heaven, and prayed over them ;
then, kissing them in turn , she dismissed them , and said to me ,
'Be you a mother to them.' I gave her my hand. 'You are promising much,
my child,' she said: 'a mother's fondness and a mother's care ! I have
often witnessed , by your tears of gratitude , that you know what is
a mother's tenderness : show it to your brothers and sisters , and be
dutiful and faithful to your father as a wife ; you will be his comfort.'
She inquired for him. He had retired to conceal his intolerable anguish,
—— he was heartbroken , "Albert, you were in the room. She heard some
one moving: she inquired who it was, and desired you to approach. She
surveyed us both with a look of composure and satisfaction, expressive
of her conviction that we should be happy ,—— happy with one another."
Albert fell upon her neck , and kissed her , and exclaimed, "We are
so, and we shall be so !" Even Albert , generally so tranquil, had
quite lost his composure; and I was excited beyond expression.
"And such a being ," She continued , "was to leave us , Werther!
Great God , must we thus part with everything we hold dear in this world?
Nobody felt this more acutely than the children : they cried and lamented
for a long time afterward , complaining that men had carried away their
dear mamma."
Charlotte rose. It aroused me ; but I continued sitting, and held
her hand. "Let us go," she said: "it grows late." She attempted to withdraw
her hand: I held it still. "We shall see each other again," I exclaimed
: "we shall recognise each other under every possible change !