作者:安徒生[丹麦]    更新:2021-11-25 12:19
  You must not be ill to-day, forthis evening our wedding will take place."
  "I have gone through the most terrible affair that couldpossibly happen," said the shadow; "only imagine, my shadow has gonemad; I suppose such a poor, shallow brain, could not bear much; hefancies that he has become a real man, and that I am his shadow."
  "How very terrible," cried the princess; "is he locked up?"
  "Oh yes, certainly; for I fear he will never recover."
  "Poor shadow!" said the princess; "it is very unfortunate for him;it would really be a good deed to free him from his frail existence;and, indeed, when I think how often people take the part of thelower class against the higher, in these days, it would be policy toput him out of the way quietly."
  "It is certainly rather hard upon him, for he was a faithfulservant," said the shadow; and he pretended to sigh.
  "Yours is a noble character," said the princess, and bowed herselfbefore him.
  In the evening the whole town was illuminated, and cannons fired"boom," and the soldiers presented arms. It was indeed a grandwedding. The princess and the shadow stepped out on the balcony toshow themselves, and to receive one cheer more. But the learned manheard nothing of all these festivities, for he had already beenexecuted.
  by Hans Christian Andersen
  HAVE you ever seen an old wooden cupboard quite black with age,and ornamented with carved foliage and curious figures? Well, justsuch a cupboard stood in a parlor, and had been left to the familyas a legacy by the great-grandmother. It was covered from top tobottom with carved roses and tulips; the most curious scrolls weredrawn upon it, and out of them peeped little stags' heads, withantlers. In the middle of the cupboard door was the carved figure of aman most ridiculous to look at. He grinned at you, for no one couldcall it laughing. He had goat's legs, little horns on his head, anda long beard; the children in the room always called him, "Majorgeneral-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-legs." It wascertainly a very difficult name to pronounce, and there are very fewwho ever receive such a title, but then it seemed wonderful how hecame to be carved at all; yet there he was, always looking at thetable under the looking-glass, where stood a very pretty littleshepherdess made of china. Her shoes were gilt, and her dress had ared rose or an ornament. She wore a hat, and carried a crook, thatwere both gilded, and looked very bright and pretty. Close by her sidestood a little chimney-sweep, as black as coal, and also made ofchina. He was, however, quite as clean and neat as any other chinafigure; he only represented a black chimney-sweep, and the chinaworkers might just as well have made him a prince, had they feltinclined to do so. He stood holding his ladder quite handily, andhis face was as fair and rosy as a girl's; indeed, that was rather amistake, it should have had some black marks on it. He and theshepherdess had been placed close together, side by side; and, beingso placed, they became engaged to each other, for they were verywell suited, being both made of the same sort of china, and beingequally fragile. Close to them stood another figure, three times aslarge as they were, and also made of china. He was an old Chinaman,who could nod his head, and used to pretend that he was thegrandfather of the shepherdess, although he could not prove it. Hehowever assumed authority over her, and therefore when"Major-general-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-legs" asked forthe little shepherdess to be his wife, he nodded his head to show thathe consented. "You will have a husband," said the old Chinaman to her,"who I really believe is made of mahogany. He will make you a ladyof Major-general-field-sergeant-commander Billy-goat's-legs. He hasthe whole cupboard full of silver plate, which he keeps locked up insecret drawers."
  "I won't go into the dark cupboard," said the littleshepherdess. "I have heard that he has eleven china wives therealready."
  "Then you shall be the twelfth," said the old Chinaman."To-night as soon as you hear a rattling in the old cupboard, youshall be married, as true as I am a Chinaman;" and then he noddedhis head and fell asleep.
  Then the little shepherdess cried, and looked at her sweetheart,the china chimney-sweep. "I must entreat you," said she, "to go outwith me into the wide world, for we cannot stay here."
  "I will do whatever you wish," said the little chimney-sweep; "letus go immediately: I think I shall be able to maintain you with myprofession."
  "If we were but safely down from the table!"