作者:安徒生[丹麦]    更新:2021-11-25 12:17
  "Yes, there is a golden carriage, with two golden horses," repliedthe woman.
  "Then give me that nut," said Christina; so Ib gave it to her, andthe strange woman tied up the nut for her in her handkerchief.
  Ib held up another nut. "Is there, in this nut, a pretty littleneckerchief like the one Christina has on her neck?" asked Ib.
  "There are ten neckerchiefs in it," she replied, "as well asbeautiful dresses, stockings, and a hat and veil."
  "Then I will have that one also," said Christina; "and it is apretty one too. And then Ib gave her the second nut.
  The third was a little black thing. "You may keep that one,"said Christina; "it is quite as pretty."
  "What is in it?" asked Ib.
  "The best of all things for you," replied the gypsy. So Ib heldthe nut very tight.
  Then the woman promised to lead the children to the right path,that they might find their way home: and they went forward certainlyin quite another direction to the one they meant to take; therefore noone ought to speak against the woman, and say that she wanted to stealthe children. In the wild wood-path they met a forester who knew Ib,and, by his help, Ib and Christina reached home, where they foundevery one had been very anxious about them. They were pardoned andforgiven, although they really had both done wrong, and deserved toget into trouble; first, because they had let the sucking-pig fallinto the water; and, secondly, because they had run away. Christinawas taken back to her father's house on the heath, and Ib remainedin the farm-house on the borders of the wood, near the great landridge.
  The first thing Ib did that evening was to take out of hispocket the little black nut, in which the best thing of all was saidto be enclosed. He laid it carefully between the door and thedoor-post, and then shut the door so that the nut cracked directly.But there was not much kernel to be seen; it was what we should callhollow or worm-eaten, and looked as if it had been filled with tobaccoor rich black earth. "It is just what I expected!" exclaimed Ib."How should there be room in a little nut like this for the best thingof all? Christina will find her two nuts just the same; there willbe neither fine clothes or a golden carriage in them."
  Winter came; and the new year, and indeed many years passedaway; until Ib was old enough to be confirmed, and, therefore, he wentduring a whole winter to the clergyman of the nearest village to beprepared.
  One day, about this time, the boatman paid a visit to Ib'sparents, and told them that Christina was going to service, and thatshe had been remarkably fortunate in obtaining a good place, with mostrespectable people. "Only think," he said, "She is going to the richinnkeeper's, at the hotel in Herning, many miles west from here. Sheis to assist the landlady in the housekeeping; and, if afterwardsshe behaves well and remains to be confirmed, the people will treather as their own daughter."
  So Ib and Christina took leave of each other. People alreadycalled them "the betrothed," and at parting the girl showed Ib the twonuts, which she had taken care of ever since the time that they lostthemselves in the wood; and she told him also that the little woodenshoes he once carved for her when he was a boy, and gave her as apresent, had been carefully kept in a drawer ever since. And so theyparted.
  After Ib's confirmation, he remained at home with his mother,for he had become a clever shoemaker, and in summer managed the farmfor her quite alone. His father had been dead some time, and hismother kept no farm servants. Sometimes, but very seldom, he heardof Christina, through a postillion or eel-seller who was passing.But she was well off with the rich innkeeper; and after beingconfirmed she wrote a letter to her father, in which was a kindmessage to Ib and his mother. In this letter, she mentioned that hermaster and mistress had made her a present of a beautiful new dress,and some nice under-clothes. This was, of course, pleasant news.
  One day, in the following spring, there came a knock at the doorof the house where Ib's old mother lived; and when they opened it,lo and behold, in stepped the boatman and Christina. She had come topay them a visit, and to spend the day. A carriage had to come fromthe Herning hotel to the next village, and she had taken theopportunity to see her friends once more. She looked as elegant as areal lady, and wore a pretty dress, beautifully made on purpose forher. There she stood, in full dress, while Ib wore only his workingclothes. He could not utter a word; he could only seize her hand andhold it fast in his own, but he felt too happy and glad to open hislips. Christina, however, was quite at her ease; she talked andtalked, and kissed him in the most friendly manner. Even afterwards,when they were left alone, and she asked, "Did you know me again, Ib?"