作者:安徒生[丹麦] 更新:2021-11-25 12:17
Was it a waterspout,or a heavy sea rolling suddenly upon them?
"Heaven help us!" cried the boy at the helm, as the boat heeledover and lay on its beam ends. It had struck on a rock, which rosefrom the depths of the sea, and sank at once, like an old shoe in apuddle. "It sank at once with mouse and man," as the saying is.There might have been mice on board, but only one man and a half,the skipper and the laborer's boy. No one saw it but the skimmingsea-gulls and the fishes beneath the water; and even they did notsee it properly, for they darted back with terror as the boat filledwith water and sank. There it lay, scarcely a fathom below thesurface, and those two were provided for, buried, and forgotten. Theglass with the foot of blue wood was the only thing that did not sink,for the wood floated and the glass drifted away to be cast upon theshore and broken; where and when, is indeed of no consequence. Ithad served its purpose, and it had been loved, which Anne Lisbeth'sboy had not been. But in heaven no soul will be able to say, "Neverloved."
Anne Lisbeth had now lived in the town many years; she wascalled "Madame," and felt dignified in consequence; she remembered theold, noble days, in which she had driven in the carriage, and hadassociated with countess and baroness. Her beautiful, noble childhad been a dear angel, and possessed the kindest heart; he had lovedher so much, and she had loved him in return; they had kissed andloved each other, and the boy had been her joy, her second life. Nowhe was fourteen years of age, tall, handsome, and clever. She hadnot seen him since she carried him in her arms; neither had she beenfor years to the count's palace; it was quite a journey thither fromthe town.
"I must make one effort to go," said Anne Lisbeth, "to see mydarling, the count's sweet child, and press him to my heart. Certainlyhe must long to see me, too, the young count; no doubt he thinks of meand loves me, as in those days when he would fling his angel-armsround my neck, and lisp 'Anne Liz.' It was music to my ears. Yes, Imust make an effort to see him again." She drove across the country ina grazier's cart, and then got out, and continued her journey on foot,and thus reached the count's castle. It was as great and magnificentas it had always been, and the garden looked the same as ever; all theservants were strangers to her, not one of them knew Anne Lisbeth, norof what consequence she had once been there; but she felt sure thecountess would soon let them know it, and her darling boy, too: howshe longed to see him!
Now that Anne Lisbeth was at her journey's end, she was keptwaiting a long time; and for those who wait, time passes slowly. Butbefore the great people went in to dinner, she was called in andspoken to very graciously. She was to go in again after dinner, andthen she would see her sweet boy once more. How tall, and slender, andthin he had grown; but the eyes and the sweet angel mouth were stillbeautiful. He looked at her, but he did not speak, he certainly didnot know who she was. He turned round and was going away, but sheseized his hand and pressed it to her lips.
"Well, well," he said; and with that he walked out of the room. Hewho filled her every thought! he whom she loved best, and who washer whole earthly pride!
Anne Lisbeth went forth from the castle into the public road,feeling mournful and sad; he whom she had nursed day and night, andeven now carried about in her dreams, had been cold and strange, andhad not a word or thought respecting her. A great black raven darteddown in front of her on the high road, and croaked dismally.
"Ah," said she, "what bird of ill omen art thou?"
"Heaven help us!" cried the boy at the helm, as the boat heeledover and lay on its beam ends. It had struck on a rock, which rosefrom the depths of the sea, and sank at once, like an old shoe in apuddle. "It sank at once with mouse and man," as the saying is.There might have been mice on board, but only one man and a half,the skipper and the laborer's boy. No one saw it but the skimmingsea-gulls and the fishes beneath the water; and even they did notsee it properly, for they darted back with terror as the boat filledwith water and sank. There it lay, scarcely a fathom below thesurface, and those two were provided for, buried, and forgotten. Theglass with the foot of blue wood was the only thing that did not sink,for the wood floated and the glass drifted away to be cast upon theshore and broken; where and when, is indeed of no consequence. Ithad served its purpose, and it had been loved, which Anne Lisbeth'sboy had not been. But in heaven no soul will be able to say, "Neverloved."
Anne Lisbeth had now lived in the town many years; she wascalled "Madame," and felt dignified in consequence; she remembered theold, noble days, in which she had driven in the carriage, and hadassociated with countess and baroness. Her beautiful, noble childhad been a dear angel, and possessed the kindest heart; he had lovedher so much, and she had loved him in return; they had kissed andloved each other, and the boy had been her joy, her second life. Nowhe was fourteen years of age, tall, handsome, and clever. She hadnot seen him since she carried him in her arms; neither had she beenfor years to the count's palace; it was quite a journey thither fromthe town.
"I must make one effort to go," said Anne Lisbeth, "to see mydarling, the count's sweet child, and press him to my heart. Certainlyhe must long to see me, too, the young count; no doubt he thinks of meand loves me, as in those days when he would fling his angel-armsround my neck, and lisp 'Anne Liz.' It was music to my ears. Yes, Imust make an effort to see him again." She drove across the country ina grazier's cart, and then got out, and continued her journey on foot,and thus reached the count's castle. It was as great and magnificentas it had always been, and the garden looked the same as ever; all theservants were strangers to her, not one of them knew Anne Lisbeth, norof what consequence she had once been there; but she felt sure thecountess would soon let them know it, and her darling boy, too: howshe longed to see him!
Now that Anne Lisbeth was at her journey's end, she was keptwaiting a long time; and for those who wait, time passes slowly. Butbefore the great people went in to dinner, she was called in andspoken to very graciously. She was to go in again after dinner, andthen she would see her sweet boy once more. How tall, and slender, andthin he had grown; but the eyes and the sweet angel mouth were stillbeautiful. He looked at her, but he did not speak, he certainly didnot know who she was. He turned round and was going away, but sheseized his hand and pressed it to her lips.
"Well, well," he said; and with that he walked out of the room. Hewho filled her every thought! he whom she loved best, and who washer whole earthly pride!
Anne Lisbeth went forth from the castle into the public road,feeling mournful and sad; he whom she had nursed day and night, andeven now carried about in her dreams, had been cold and strange, andhad not a word or thought respecting her. A great black raven darteddown in front of her on the high road, and croaked dismally.
"Ah," said she, "what bird of ill omen art thou?"