作者:歌德(J.W. von Goethe)    更新:2021-11-25 10:33
  I see clearly that we cannot
  be saved!"
  Werther was highly incensed at the observations which Albert had made
  to the judge in this matter of the prisoner. He thought he could detect
  therein a little bitterness toward himself personally ; and although ,
  upon reflection , it could not escape his sound judgment that their view
  of the matter was correct , he felt the greatest possible reluctance
  to make such an admission.
  A memorandum of Werther's upon this point , expressive of his general
  feelings toward Albert, has been found amongst his papers.
  "What is the use of my continually repeating that he is a good and
  estimable man ? He is an inward torment to me, and I am incapable of
  being just toward him."
  One fine evening in winter, when the weather seemed inclined to thaw,
  Charlotte and Albert were returning home together. The former looked from
  time to time about her, as if she missed Werther's company. Albert began
  to speak of him , and censured him for his prejudices. He alluded to
  his unfortunate attachment, and wished it were possible to discontinue
  his acquaintance. "I desire it on our own account ," he added; "and
  I request you will compel him to alter his deportment toward you, and
  to visit you less frequently. The world is censorious , and I know that
  here and there we are spoken of." Charlotte made no reply , and Albert
  seemed to feel her silence. At least, from that time he never again spoke
  of Werther; and, when she introduced the subject, he allowed the conversation
  to die away , or else he directed the discourse into another channel.
  The vain attempt Werther had made to save the unhappy murderer was
  the last feeble glimmering of a flame about to be extinguished. He sank
  almost immediately afterward into a state of gloom and inactivity , until
  he was at length brought to perfect distraction by learning that he was
  to be summoned as a witness against the prisoner, who asserted his complete
  His mind now became oppressed by the recollection of every misfortune
  of his past life. The mortification he had suffered at the ambassador's,
  and his subsequent troubles , were revived in his memory. He became utterly
  inactive. Destitute of energy , he was cut off from every pursuit and
  occupation which compose the business of common life; and he became a
  victim to his own susceptibility, and to his restless passion for the
  most amiable and beloved of women , whose peace he destroyed. In this
  unvarying monotony of existence his days were consumed; and his powers
  became exhausted without aim or design, until they brought him to a sorrowful
  A few letters which he left behind, and which we here subjoin, afford
  the best proofs of his anxiety of mind and of the depth of his passion,
  as well as of his doubts and struggles, and of his weariness of life.
  DECEMBER 12. Dear Wilhelm , I am reduced to the condition of those
  unfortunate wretches who believe they are pursued by an evil spirit. Sometimes
  I am oppressed, not by apprehension or fear, but by an inexpressible
  internal sensation, which weighs upon my heart , and impedes my breath!
  Then I wander forth at night, even in this tempestuous season, and feel
  pleasure in surveying the dreadful scenes around me.
  Yesterday evening I went forth. A rapid thaw had suddenly set in:
  I had been informed that the river had risen, that the brooks had all
  overflowed their banks, and that the whole vale of Walheim was under
  water !