作者:歌德(J.W. von Goethe)    更新:2021-11-25 10:33
  why is it that the torrent
  of genius so seldom bursts forth, so seldom rolls in full-flowing stream,
  overwhelming your astounded soul? Because, on either side of this stream,
  cold and respectable persons have taken up their abodes , and, forsooth,
  their summer-houses and tulip-beds would suffer from the torrent; wherefore
  they dig trenches , and raise embankments betimes, in order to avert
  the impending danger.
  MAY 27. I find I have fallen into raptures, declamation, and similes,
  and have forgotten, in consequence , to tell you what became of the
  children. Absorbed in my artistic contemplations, which I briefly described
  in my letter of yesterday , I continued sitting on the plough for two
  hours. Toward evening a young woman , with a basket on her arm , came
  running toward the children , who had not moved all that time. She exclaimed
  from a distance , "You are a good boy, Philip !" She gave me greeting
  : I returned it, rose , and approached her. I inquired if she were
  the mother of those pretty children. "Yes ," she said; and, giving
  the eldest a piece of bread , she took the little one in her arms and
  kissed it with a mother's tenderness. "I left my child in Philip's care
  ," she said , "whilst I went into the town with my eldest boy to buy
  some wheaten bread, some sugar , and an earthen pot." I saw the various
  articles in the basket, from which the cover had fallen. "I shall make
  some broth to-night for my little Hans(which was the name of the youngest)
  : that wild fellow , the big one, broke my pot yesterday , whilst
  he was scrambling with Philip for what remained of the contents." I inquired
  for the eldest; and she bad scarcely time to tell me that he was driving
  a couple of geese home from the meadow, when he ran up , and handed
  Philip an osier-twig. I talked a little longer with the woman , and found
  that she was the daughter of the schoolmaster , and that her husband
  was gone on a journey into Switzerland for some money a relation had left
  him. "They wanted to cheat him," she said, "and would not answer his
  letters ; so he is gone there himself. I hope he has met with no accident,
  as I have heard nothing of him since his departure." I left the woman ,
  with regret , giving each of the children a kreutzer , with an additional
  one for the youngest, to buy some wheaten bread for his broth when she
  went to town next ; and so we parted. I assure you , my dear friend ,
  when my thoughts are all in tumult, the sight of such a creature as this
  tranquillises my disturbed mind. She moves in a happy thoughtlessness
  within the confined circle of her existence ; she supplies her wants
  from day to day ; and, when she sees the leaves fall, they raise no
  other idea in her mind than that winter is approaching. Since that time
  I have gone out there frequently. The children have become quite familiar
  with me ; and each gets a lump of sugar when I drink my coffee , and
  they share my milk and bread and butter in the evening. They always receive
  their kreutzer on Sundays , for the good woman has orders to give it
  to them when I do not go there after evening service. They are quite at
  home with me, tell me everything ; and I am particularly amused with
  observing their tempers , and the simplicity of their behaviour, when
  some of the other village children are assembled with them.
  It has given me a deal of trouble to satisfy the anxiety of the mother,
  lest(as she says ) "they should inconvenience the gentleman."
  MAY 30. What I have lately said of painting is equally true with respect
  to poetry. It is only necessary for us to know what is really excellent,
  and venture to give it expression ; and that is saying much in few words.
  To-day I have had a scene , which, if literally related , would, make
  the most beautiful idyl in the world. But why should I talk of poetry
  and scenes and idyls?